Boat damage is virtually unavoidable by the nature of our sport and in a busy club environment, some with inadequate storage arrangements. A great deal of damage is done on both on water and on land, no matter how carefulyl you try and handle boats. We have a number of qualified WinTech boat repairers across the UK, if you need any assistance with any aspect of your WinTech boat then do not hesitate to get touch, we will always do our best to help you. |
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All NK Rowing & Paddling products are made in the USA and covered by a 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects. If any of your Nielsen-Kellerman Electronics are in need of repair please get in touch. Warranty repairs are completely free of charge, but please note there is a £20.00 (inc vat) inspection charge on all electronics sent to Oarsport Ltd for non-warranty service or repair. Should the item prove unrepairable and you decide to replace it with us at that point, we will waive the inspection fee and also offer you an additional 10% discount on the replacement. |
The product is warranted for 2 years for material and workmanship. Warranty does not include wearing parts such as wheels, cords, pulleys and oar locks. If you have any questions about your Swingulator Sweep or Scull trainer, then do not hesitate to give us a call. |
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We attend a number of regattas throughout the year, and we offer a variety of services at these events. We are always happy to talk about rowing over a cup of tea, so come and say hello! Check our events list on the home page to find out where we are headed next and what services we are offering.