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How to Rig a Boat

How to Rig a Boat

How to Rig a Boat

The most essential step in setting up any boat is the rigging process. Whether you’re going to be sitting in the engine room of a mighty 8+ or going it solo in a 1x, getting your rigger(s) secured always comes first. In this video, I’ll show you start to finish how to rig a boat. No matter the size or number of seats, the process is essentially the same across all types of boats.

  • You’ll need two 10mm wrenches for this, along with the rigger(s) in question you would like to set up. Some riggers use 7/16 in. bolts, which requires 7/16 in. wrenches, but for the most part 10mm should do the trick.
  • First, find the four bolts on the gunnels of your boat. There will be two on each side, and will consist of a bolt, two washers, a nut, and a lock washer.
  • Once you have found the bolts, loosen the nuts below the gunnels by holding the bolt head in place with one wrench and loosening with the other.
  • With the hardware loose, you can remove it all with your fingers and place them in the boat for installation later.
  • Next, take your rigger(s) and align the holes on either side of it with the holes in the gunnels. Usually you want the same number of holes on either side left exposed, but this can vary in bigger, sweep boats that have angled riggers.
  • With the holes aligned, hold the rigger(s) in place and slot the bolts back through. Be sure to have a flat washer on the top, and a lock/flat washer combo on the bottom with the nut. Finger tighten all hardware until you can’t any more.
  • Proceed to tighten all the hardware with your two wrenches. Once you can’t turn either wrench with two fingers, the rigger will be properly secured and ready for use.
  • Repeat this process as needed for additional seats in larger boats. To derig your boat simply follow these steps in reverse.