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How to Change Seat Heights

How to Change Seat Heights

How to Change Seat Heights

Have you or one of your athletes ever had to use a seat pad? Chances are, the actual seat height is not adjusted to the ideal position. In this video, I break down the process of raising and lowering a seat into a few simple steps. That way, you can get the most out of your stroke in any sized boat, sweep or scull.

  • You’ll need a Phillip’s head screwdriver and an 8mm wrench. To make the process go faster, you can also use a power drill with a Phillip’s head bit instead of the screwdriver.
  • If you are using the power drill, be sure to firmly hold the seat down with your free hand so it doesn’t whip up and hit you.
  • First, find the small screws on the outside of the seat chassi. They are situated just above the wheels and below the seat itself.
  • Next, take your Phillip’s head screwdriver or drill bit and insert it into the screw head. Once that is done, place your 8mm wrench on the nut opposite the screw head and begin unscrewing.
  • Once loose, you can remove the screw, nut, and washers with your fingers. Be sure to keep all the hardware together and repeat this process on the remaining 3 screws.
  • With the hardware removed, you can freely pull and push on the axle tubes to raise and lower the seat height as you please. Once you have your desired height selected, line up the screw holes with the holes built into the main chassi and reinstall the hardware.
  • Once the hardware is back on, be sure to re-tighten each set before putting the seat back in the boat. Don’t overtighten though, as this can warp the axles.