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How to Cartop a Single

How to Cartop a Single

How to Cartop a Single

When people think of transporting boats, trailers often come to mind first. However, trailers aren’t always an option. Space could be limited, or you may be the only one rowing from your team at the destination you’re bringing your boat to. In this case, a roof rack and a few boat straps can turn your car or truck into a viable boat transportation option.

  • Aside from the roof rack itself, you’ll need at least 2 boat straps for the stern and bow of the boat. For longer trips, we recommend additional paracord or string with a high tensile strength to secure the stern and bow tips to the front and back of your vehicle.
  • First, make sure you have properly de-rigged your single and/or placed its cover on.
  • Next, pick up the boat and gently place it in the slings of the roof rack. To do this solo, pick the boat up from the middle by the gunwales. If you have a partner, stand at opposite ends of the boat, and lift it into the roof rack slings by the stern and bow decks
  • Once the boat is seated securely within the roof rack slings, take one of your straps and wrap it around the hull of the boat and bottom bar of the rack.
  • Proceed to feed the strap through the buckle and tighten it firmly against the bottom bar of the rack.
  • Once secure, wrap around and tie off any extra slack against the same bottom bar.
  • Repeat steps 4-6 on the opposite side, give the boat a quick shake test to make sure its secure, and if it doesn’t budge you are ready to hit the road.