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How to Adjust Seat Tracks

How to Adjust Seat Tracks

How to Adjust Seat Tracks

If you’ve ever hit the front or backstops going up and down the slide, chances are your tracks are misaligned. In this video, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily adjust the position of your seat tracks so you can enjoy a smooth, clean drive and recovery sequence.

  • You don’t need any tools to do this!
  • All you need to do is unscrew the main deck porthole and reach under to find 4 wingnuts that secure the tracks to the deck. They are situated towards the stern and bow of the boat.
  • Go ahead and loosen each wingnut until you can move the tracks above deck with ease.
  • Once you have your desired position selected, simply reach back below deck and re-tighten the wingnuts so your tracks stay in place when you get back in the boat.