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Wintech Team Rowing

Strong Results for WinTech Racing at The Oarsport Junior Sculling Head (UK)

Strong Results for WinTech Racing at The Oarsport Junior Sculling Head (UK)

This time last week the Oarsport Junior Sculling Head at Dorney Lake. The event is quite a spectacle with over 500 Junior Crews competing across 14 events.

As always we were closely following the results to see how #TeamWinTech performed and you really did us proud!

  • 5 Gold, 5 Silver & 3 bronze medals were won by crews racing in WinTech Racing Boats
  • This accounted for >30% of all medals won.
  • Crews racing in WinTech Racing Boats won more medals than crews racing in any other brand of boat.

Congratulations to all medal winners and well done to all competitors!

WinTech Racing vs Other Boat Brands

Oarsport junior sculling head results
Div 1 J18 4x- Maidenhead Rowing Club 1st
Div 1 J18 4x- The Windsor Boys School Boat Club 2nd
Div 3 WJ18 4x- Headington School Oxford Boat Club 3rd
Div 5 J16 4x- Claires Court School Boat Club 1st
Div 6 WJ16 4x- Headington School Oxford Boat Club 2nd
Div 7 WJ15 8x+ Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club 3rd
Div 8 WJ15 4x+ Marlow RC 2nd
Div 9 J15 8x+ Norwich School Boat Club 2nd
Div 11 WJ14 8x+ Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club 1st
Div 11 WJ14 8x+ Nottingham & Union Rowing Club 1st
Div 13 J14 4x+ Great Marlow School Boat Club 3rd
Div 14 J14 8x+ Norwich School Boat Club 1st
Div 14 J14 8x+ Hampton School Boat Club 2nd


A full list of results can be found on The Scullery Website



Rowing Photography did such a great job of getting the photos online (before boats were off the water). The photos from all divisions are all available to purchase on the link below.


Thank You!

Finally a a huge thanks to everyone involved:

  • The Scullery – For organising such a great event. With over 500 crews taking part the event is quite a spectacle and a real achievement.
  • Rowing Photography – For being so organised with taking such great photos and having them available online before the boats were even off the water!
  • Jonny Walton, John Collins, Angus Groom & Peter Lambert from Team GB for taking the time out to present medals and inspiring junior athletes.
  • Family & Coaches – For all all the hard work and support.
  • And finally the athletes. It’s great to see your passion and enthusiasm for our sport. Congratulations to all of you.

We hope you all had a great day and safe journeys back home. We look forward to seeing you all at a regatta soon!

Isn’t it time you joined the winning team?

Proof Is In The Performance- Come and join #TeamWinTech today.